Winter Weather Wardrobe The Winter months are upon us and we need your help to ensure our students are dressed warmly.
EARLY RELEASE: Friday, December 15th Varennes Elementary School will observe early dismissal on Friday, December 15th at 11:00 am.
Make-Up Picture Day is December 1st If you did not have your picture made or need a retake the photographer will be back on December 1st. These pictures will be included in the yearbook.
Flu Shots at Varennes (DHEC) will be providing FREE flu vaccines and/or the flu nasal spray here at school. It is important that all children get vaccinated every year.
Picture Day is October 18th Picture Day is coming up on October 18th. Click the graphic for more information on packages. These pictures will be featured in the yearbook.
5th Grade Southwood Auditions The Southwood Academy of the Arts faculty will be auditioning current 5th-grade students at Varennes on October 9-13.
Attendance Spirit Week September 25-29 is Attendance Spirit Week- so plan to dress up to show how fun it is to at school.
STEM in the Gym Join us in the Varennes Elementary Gymnasium on Wednesday, September 13th7:00-7:55 am for STEM activities for the entire family.